Saturday, March 19, 2016

Short Subjects

These are short items which don't fall into one of the broader themes (Index 02)

AAR 1950s How to travel by train

ACR 1950 Locomotive Side Elevations - Algoma Central and Algoma Eastern Railways

ATSF 1969 Public Timetable

BCR 1958 Official Guide (PGE/BCR) ... and Other Items

BCR 1984: 2860 from North Vancouver to Squamish

BLE 1905 Runaways with Freight Trains

BLE 1911 The Standard Code - A Brother Writes In

BQR 1903 The Wreck of the Artillery Train, Enterprise, 11th & 16th Guelph Field Batteries

BRC 1922 The Board of Railway Commissioners

BRS 1982 CPR 1201 at Ottawa

BRS 1982 CPR 1201 at Wakefield and Ottawa

B&M 1954 Greenfield, Massachusetts

CGR 1874 Prince Edward Island Railway, items from 1874 to 1925

CGR 1900 Halifax - Port and Railways 1900-1920

CGR 1900 Halifax, Before (1900) and After (1923)

CLC 1953 CFA-16 CFB-16 in CNR Operating Manual from 1966.

CLC 1953 CPA-16 CPB-16 in CNR Operating Manual from 1966.

CLC 1953 H16-44 H12-44 in CNR Operating Manual from 1966.

CLC 1957 Locomotive operator's manual CPR DR-16

CNJ 1898 Bernard Baruch's Special + Meet the 51st State!

CNJ 1951 Public Timetable, Suburban Trains

CNoR 1917 Vancouver terminal and maps.

CNoR 1992 Sir William Mackenzie and Kirkfield

CNR 1919 - A reprinted article from The Canadian Magazine

CNR 1920s Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto - The Former CNoR Route

CNR 1925 Rules, Switches and Switch Stands

CNR 1927 Baggage Car Traffic - Milk and Cream

CNR 1927 Baggage Car Traffic - Types of Baggage

CNR 1928 Sir Henry Thornton - Speech to The Canadian Railway Club

CNR 1930 The Big Grain Rush - a contemporary article

CNR 1940 An Early History of the CNR Directorate

CNR 1942 Turcot Yard and Lachine - photos by LC Gagnon

CNR 1942 Steam at Lachine, CPR Steam at Westmount - photos by LC Gagnon

CNR 1944 Prince Edward Island, railway timetable, 1944

CNR 1949 Newfoundland Public Timetable

CNR 1950 Arundel, Quebec. Railway Watercolour by Henry J Simpkins RCA

CNR 1950 Public Timetable, Skiing & Winter Sports in the Laurentians

CNR 1951 Canadian National Magazine, December 1951

CNR 1952 Magazine motive power ads - MLW EMD CLC

CNR 1954 - Lachine and Ville LaSalle in the 1950s - Two Maps

CNR 1954 New Passenger Equipment Booklet - 24 pages of 1950s art

CNR 1955 Montreal Winter Public Timetable

CNR 1955 The Super Continental - The Train of '55

CNR 1956 Public Timetable, Western Canada, Part 1

CNR 1956 Public Timetable, Western Canada, Part 2

CNR 1957 - Montreal Terminals - A Descriptive Sketch, Part 1

CNR 1957 - Montreal Terminals - A Descriptive Sketch, Part 2

CNR 1958 Public Timetable, Eastern Canada, Part 1

CNR 1958 Public Timetable, Eastern Canada, Part 2

CNR 1960 CN Logo: How CNR Dropped Its 'Railway' in 1960 and Excited Little Kids

CNR 1960 Arundel, Lachute, St Andrew's East & the Carillon Dam

CNR 1961 Engine 6153 at Turcot Yard and Heading to Victoriaville (with maps)

CNR 1961 Turcot Yard, CPR Westmount & Glen Yard

CNR 1961 First Visit to Turcot Yard, Montreal, 17 July 1961

CNR 1961 Second Visit to Turcot Yard, Montreal, 19 July 1961

CNR 1961 Third Visit to Turcot Yard, Montreal, 17 August 1961

CNR 1962 Turcot Yard - Newspaper Clippings Bracketing Its Half Century

CNR 1963 CRHA Excursion: 6167, Montreal to Victoriaville

CNR 1963 CRHA Excursion: 6167, Montreal to Victoriaville, Part 2

CNR 1964 CRHA Excursion: 6218, Montreal-Coteau-Cantic-St Johns, Part 1

CNR 1964 CRHA Excursion: 6218, Montreal-Coteau-Cantic-St Johns, Part 2

CNR 1965 Windsor-Detroit Carferries: Lansdowne & Huron

CNR 1967 Condensed Public Timetable & Expo 67 Guidebook Images

CNR 1967 CNR Orders Jet Trains to Toronto - 'Ready for Expo'

CNR 1968 The Turbine of the Turbo

CNR 1968 Turbo's Unique Technology

CNR 1968 Jasper Park Lodge

CNR 1969 What's really the trouble with the Turbo train?

CNR 1974 Central Station Turbo Maintenance Area, Turbo 1974-82

CNR 1978 Gimli Transportation Training Centre

CNR 1978 Some Snapshots of Kingston, Napanee, Montreal West, Rockcliffe

CNR 1979 Overnight from Winnipeg to Saskatoon

CNR 1980 Halifax

CNR 1980 Amqui, Causapscal; Employee Timetable: Matapedia, Rimouski Subs 1957; Campbellton & Edmundston Divisions: Equated Tonnage, Train Order Offices

CNR 1980 Train Movements Around Kingston Station

CNR 1980 Prince Edward Island, October 1980

CNR 1981 Kingston, Brockville, CPR Main Line & GO 1969

CNR 1981 Kingston: M-630 Locomotives

CNR 1981 Smiths Falls

CNR 1982 A Summer Day in Brockville. The Gananoque Sub in 1963.

CNR 1982 Bayview, Ontario with TH&B timetable

CNR 1982 Bayview GO Trains and a 1961 Timetable

CNR 1982 Kingston, Unit shut down, low water, snow

CNR 1982 2300s at Kingston - 'Alco' M-636

CNR 1983 Kingston

CNR 1984 Burlington, Ontario - An October Visit

CNR 1985 Hespeler - Look! There's a really old sta...

CNR 1985 Kingston Caboose Derailment

CNR 1985 Mile 183, Kingston Subdivision

CNR 1985 A Visit to Guelph & 6167

CNR 1986 Kingston Sub Wreck at Hanley Spur

CNR 1988 Edmundston, New Brunswick

CNR 1988 Newfoundland Railway at St John's

CNR 1993 National Transcontinental Route

CO BO 1969 Public Timetable

CO 1985 St Thomas, Ontario - Roundhouse

Near London in 1992 and the Loop Line Transfer 

CPAL 1943 Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Northern Air Routes 

1950 CPAL Public Timetable

CPAL 1950 Canadian Pacific Air Lines - Glad to have you aboard! (pamphlet c1950)

CPR 1873 Canadian Political Cartoons Around the Railway 1840-1880

CPR 1881 Enabling Legislation Text

CPR 1887 in the Official Guide

CPR 1905 Montreal to Halifax

CPR 1906, 1909 Angus Shops Interiors & Training Photos

CPR 1909 Brakes on the Big Hill, Part 1

CPR 1909 No Frickin' Laser Beams!

CPR 1909 Western Division Employee Timetable (Mountain Time)

CPR 1910 Rogers Pass Avalanche - Approx. 2359hr, Friday, 4 March 1910

CPR 1916 Connaught Tunnel Construction

CPR 1920 Lake Louise circa 1920-1930

CPR 1930 Stock Trains. Beef by Rail, 1900 to 1980

CP 1941 Annual Report & Flags Which Fall

CPR 1942 CNR & D&H Steam at Westmount

CPR 1943 Instructions for the Care of Journal Boxes

CPR 1943 Instructions for the Care of Journal Boxes, Part 2

CPR 1946 Annual Report, Balance Sheet  

CPR 1946 Eastbound through the Canadian Rockies

CPR 1949  LC Gagnon, Montreal employee

CPR 1949 Banff Springs Hotel Golf Course

CPR 1950 Montreal - Ottawa - Employee Timetable

CPR 1950 Kenora to Broadview

CPR 1950 Prairies to Banff

CPR 1950 Banff to Field

CPR 1950 Field to Golden

CPR 1950 Connaught Tunnel to Victoria - and Seattle

CPR 1950 Vancouver (Sights around Vancouver, including 374)

CPR 1950 Public Timetable, Ski Trains to the Laurentians

The Home of Canada's Hooterville Cannonball

CPR 1953 Windsor Station, Montreal: 1953 Christmas; 1957 Empty Trainshed; 1964 Lavallee History Article

CPR 1954 Freight Car Equipment, Passenger Train Equipment

CPR 1948 By Train Through the Canadian Rockies

CPR Montreal to Victoria in 1954 - My mother's trip.

CPR 1957 Condensed Public Timetable (Toronto); Postcard: Sections at Sudbury

CPR 1960 Montreal - A First and Last Steam Experience

CPR 1960s 'Like The Canadian Through Hudson!'

CPR Freight Traffic Items circa 1960

CPR 1960 Potash, Sulphur, Coal, Stockyards

CPR 1961 Trains at Montreal West

CPR 1961 Steam Deadline at Angus Shops, April & August

CPR 1967 Montreal Terminals - Employee Timetable, Snapshots, Map

CPR 1967 Inspector's Yard Record - Parkdale

CPR 1967 Fast Freight Schedules

CPR CNR 1980 Kingston Subdivision

CPR 1981 Delson and Glen Yard

CPR 1982 Calgary

CPR 1984 Field, British Columbia

CPR 1984 Lake Louise to Field

CPR 1984, Lake Louise, Grain Extra

CPR 1986 Summer Day at Smiths Falls

CPR late 1980s London. A 1968 Timetable

The New Brunswick Railway & the CPR Gibson Subdivision (1988)

CPR 1989 Sudbury, Ignace, Capreol (CNR) - Places Along the Way

CPR 1989 Minnedosa, Riding Mountain, Manitoba

CPR 1989 Moose Jaw, An Old Regina Map & the Prairies in 1859

CPR 1989 Snowflake, Manitoba

CRC 1928 The Canadian Railway Club

CRHA 1950 Principals at Huberdeau; Royal Canadian Mint Postcards circa 1940

CVR 1953 The Central Vermont Railway in the 1950s, St Albans 1966

DAR 1916, Official Guide

DAR 1949 Dominion Atlantic Railway, Public Timetable

DAR 1949 Digby to Halifax, SS Princess Helene

DAR 1949 CNR Halifax

DAR 1949 CNR Halifax to Yarmouth

DAR 1949 Yarmouth to Digby .. and That Railway in 1936

D&H 1946 The Delaware and Hudson in Recent Memory

D&H 1947 Delaware & Hudson, an article

Dominion Atlantic Railway: Steam Power Snapshots, Maps, Books/Ephemera

DAR 1988 Truro Sub. Also Pugwash Tatamagouche on CNR

GO 1966 'Commuter Line Takes Shape'

GP&H 1895, Arc & Incandescent Streetlights Across Canada

GTR 1873 Changing the Gauge

GTR 1890 Lachine Wharf - An Engineer Killed by an Open Switch

GTR 1890 Lachine Wharf, An Engineer Killed by an Open Switch - The Coroner's Inquest Begins

GTR 1890 Lachine Wharf Verdict, The Three Solitudes of the Coroner's Jury

GTW 1957 Grand Trunk Western, Chicago Division, employee timetable

GTW 1957 Grand Trunk Western, Detroit Division, employee timetable

GWR 1870 Loop Line Transfer in 1992, Port Stanley, Komoka

GWWD 1917 Construction Details of the Greater Winnipeg Water District Aquaduct, Part 1

K&P 1891 Sir John A Macdonald's Funeral Train

ICC 1909 The Interstate Commerce Commission - Introduction

NYC 1947 A collector plate mystery solved

ONR 1955 Public Timetable

ONR 1993 Temagami to Cochrane

QRL&P 1952 Quebec Railway Light & Power

QRL&P c1925 Railway Tour Booklet & What's in the Reliquary?

STM (MTC) 1966 Let's take the Metro!

STM (MTC) The Original Technology of Montreal's Metro

TCA 1945 US Aviation Postcards & TCA System Timetable

TCA 1946 Trans-Canada Air Lines history, with a 1945 timetable.

TTC 1943 Route Map

UP 1874 and 1887 Official Guide

VIA 1981 to 1985 - Kingston in the Winter

VIA 1981 Brockville, May 1981, Part 1 (2 Carmen & 1 Switcher)

VIA 1981 Brockville, May 1981, Part 2

VIA 1981 Brockville, May 1981, Part 3 (More Work for the Carmen)

VIA 1982 Corridor

VIA 1982 The Canadian Through Kingston

VIA 1984 - On The Canadian Dawn to Dusk

VIA 1984 - On the Canadian - Brooks, Alberta to Field, BC

VIA 1990 Kingston Protest About Service Cuts

WABCO 1899 to 1990 Communicating Signals


1868 Canadian Railway Schedules

1873 Queen Victoria & Family, Macdonald & Associates

1874 Canadian Public Timetables

The Chicora Incident (1870), the Necessary Railway and the Western People

Sir John A Macdonald on Railways, 1881-84


Four Photos from a CPR Collection, Part 1

Railway Artifacts - Part 1

Railway Curiosities

Railway Act, 1903 - Page 74: Packing, Oil Cups, Overdue Trains

Roadmasters Debate Switch Targets in 1910

1914 Canadian Troop Transportation by Rail & Lord Strathcona's Royal Navy Petroleum

Alberta and British Columbia - Railway Maps, circa 1916

Canada 1925 - to school, to harvest

Railway Biographies of 1901 with a Canadian Connection

Railway Biographies of 1901 with a Mexican Connection

Port of Vancouver (Vancouver Harbour) in 1923

Mechanical Stokers

Pool Trains, Part 1, 1933-1936

Pool Trains, Part 2, 1943-1944

Pool Trains, Part 3, Late 1940s, Illustrated Article

Pool Trains, Part 4 - Their Separate Ways

The 1939 Royal Tour - Part 1

Please see the Royal Tour of 1939 section of Railway Technology and Systems for all posts on this subject:  Technology and Systems

Winter Arrives

Late 1940s American Railroad Advertisements

1959-1962 Eaton's Train

1951 Canada Handbook Photos

1962 Canada Handbook Photos

1967 Confederation Train Power - Mechanical & Electrical Procedures

1967 Confederation Train - Documents & Steam Generators

1967 Confederation Train - Motive Power Attendant, Maintenance Locations

1967 Confederation Train Encounters

1990s Railway history supporters: Rolly, Ross, Wayne

Something Else

Canadian Railway Facts 1924, New Books of 1924, DB Hanna & King George V Rides the CPR !

1927 Railroad Advertisements from the National Geographic

1927 Railroad Advertisements from the National Geographic, Part 2

The Importance of Holland, Seen from the Air (circa 1930)

War Atlas, Part 1 - The Stopping Power of Water (and Winter)

War Atlas, Part 2 - Roundhouse of Democracy

Volkswagen Beetle - What Year Is It? 1949-1969