Saturday, June 22, 2019

Canadian Railway Facts 1924, New Books of 1924, DB Hanna & King George V Rides the CPR !

This post arises from an interesting little booklet which provides contemporary accounts of Canada's railways just after the Grand Trunk companies had been subsumed into the CNR. 

In the back of this $5 booklet (today's dollars) are a number of ads, including those of three important Canadian book publishers. What were Canadians reading about back then? 

... and one of these books was particularly interesting ...

Trains of Recollection; Hawkes & Hanna; 1924; Macmillan.

Before he was 'famous' here is Hanna's bio ... and two more, while we're at it.

Railway Officials of America, 1901; T Addison Busbey; Railway Age.

Finishing off the 1924 theme of this post ...

100 Years in Pictures; DC Somervell; 1950; Odhams Press Ltd.