Friday, February 17, 2023

STM (MTC) The Original Technology of Montreal's Metro

Archbar trucks, wooden shoes, and 70 pound rails laid to standard gauge were to be found in the Montreal Metro. First, here is a description of the Metro and the efforts to complete the islands for Expo 67 - direct from the official guidebook. Links to some modern Metro YouTube videos follow the various illustrations.

from: Expo 67 Official Guide; 1966; Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition.

from: Canadian Rail; July-August 1964; Canadian Railroad Historical Association. Diagram by Tony Clegg.

The following images are from Canadian Rail, July-August 1965.

Key images are presented above and below to help show how the wheel systems and track operate together.

Thanks to Jim Christie, here is a YouTube video on another interesting Metro technology.

While we're at it:
(in French)

Guided tour of the Beaugrand workshop-garage

The last trip of the MR-63